Friday 11 November 2011

It's Time To Take Control

I'm not after a revolution (as such),

I don't even want a fight (well...?)

What i do want is communities to stop being robbed of their resources!!!

I'm sick of being lied to about there being no value in recycling or there's no money in wind turbines, incinerators are clean technology, we have to have a unit that burns 200,000 tons.
It's just a joke the rubbish we've been fed over the years (pardon the pun).

What we will tell you will make your blood boil, the money these businesses are making is obscene when many of us are struggling. It's all wrong and we're intent on changing it.

We are going to offer society a choice for their environmental management needs:
  • Have a private company deal with their needs and have their resources used for private gain, which will certainly cost them in the long run.
  • Or have Clear Sky Communities deal with their needs and have their resources used for community gain, benefiting them directly both now and in the future.
We will question whether the 3 R's are relevant in a modern society where waste is a resource, not a 'WASTE'?
We will challenge restrictive legislation and it's enforcers and hold them to account.
We will utilise all resources to the best of our ability whilst considering the environmental impact that this may have?
We will talk about how we will be able to reduce energy bills in the future, not increase them as we re being told is going to happen if we continue down the route we're on!

But above all, we will take control of our environmental future.

Our Resource, Our Environment, Our Future.

And so it begins.

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